Reuter Center Singers to “Rewind to the 50s”

Asheville, NC — Music of the 50s will resound when the Reuter Center Singers perform at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 17, at UNC Asheville’s Reuter Center, home to OLLI, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

The Reuter Center Singers, OLLI’s community chorus directed by Chuck Taft, will “Rewind to the 50s” and perform some of that decade’s greatest hits. Many members of the chorus will be taken back to their own youth as they sing “A Teenager in Love,” “Love Me Tender,” “Lollipop,” “All I Have To Do Is Dream,” and more.  There will be an intermission during the concert and an informal banquet to follow the evening’s performances.

The concert is free and open to the public. For more information, visit OLLI’s website or call 828.251.6140.


Reuter Center Rewind, Standing Room Only


Reuter Singers Kenilworth Performance Raises Funds for Charity